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A New Definition of Leadership
In a recent blog post, Jesse Lyn Stoner shares that 86% of the respondents to a World Economic Forum survey believe there is a leadership cr
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Times Have Changed
Yes, times have changed but, unfortunately, many of today's leaders still rely on the same outdated techniques from the industrial revol
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Unlock the Full Potential of Diverse Teams
Diversity and inclusion are important attributes for high-functioning businesses. Several recent studies have shown that diverse and inclusi
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Eye, Eye Captain!
In our work as coaches, we are often asked to comment on the essential leadership attributes for success in today’s world. While we acknowle
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10 Qualities of Facilitative Leaders
Leadership can exist everywhere and anywhere. It's not associated with a position as such, though common parlance often makes that assoc
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Warriors for the Human Spirit
Leaders can use their power and influence, their insight and compassion, to lead people back to an understanding of who we are as human bein
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With a Little Help from My Friends
If we really want to re-invent organizations that value the contributions of everyone, we need to learn about and appreciate the gifts that
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Let Go of the Heroic Leader
It's time to let go of our infatuation with the idea of the heroic leader. The ability of any single individual – as heroic or skilled o
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Do You Ever Wonder Why?
Wondering why is about finding your purpose. And there is ample evidence that a shared purpose is essential for individual and organization
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Leadership is Convening
In order to move from dividedness and fragmentation to community, a particular kind of “convening” leadership is required.